neptune transits houses


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neptune transits houses

Try and be open-minded and be patient with the process. NEPTUNE TRANSITS - The CRISES OF DISCONNECTEDNESS: There are 3 issues symbolized by Neptune that I will address using the examples submitted by readers. What does Sun in Libra mean? A transit of Neptune through H7 creates a tendency for a person to lose himself in a commitment to another. Neptune Square Sun It just means that ultimately you must take all information you receive when intoxicated, with a pinch of salt. January 2018 Especially if you get involved in toxic relationships or develop a drug, alcohol, or other addiction. If Neptune forms difficult aspects, the opposite can happen and you would be prone to self-deception with respect to those issues. You will just be doing this more when Neptune goes through your6th House. Horaires d'ouverture de la mairie : Du Lundi au Jeudi : de 8h30 12h00 et de 13h30 16h30. Some of you may choose to research a new or old religious, spiritual, philosophical or psychological belief system. Consequently, you are constantly battling conflicting traits that live within yourself, and your biggest enemy is yourself. Also affected will be the conditions relating to health. Neptunes influence in the second house has the effect of changing your value system. Even if the truth is staring you in the face, you will be unable to see it. February 2012 And what would any of us be without a dream? When Neptune transits the 8th House a persons boundaries tend to be eroded by the needs of others. Neptune Conjunct Saturn When Neptune makes adverse aspects to other planets such as squares, oppositions or quincunxes, Mars, Uranus or Saturn. What happens on the winter solstice, Ophiuchus in Astrology:13th zodiac sign traits mythology & meaning | ANCIENTFUTUREVISION. It is best not to take shortcuts in life; its best to open yourself up to the psychic realms safely in a step by step manner. Behavior in intimate relationships is strongly influenced by subconscious memories. The trine and sextile aspects will do this smoothly. December 2016 Because of Neptunes deceptive energy, even the honest can become con people and rip off merchants during this transit. You absorb the mood of those around you quite easily now, and your disposition is somewhat changeable as a result. Uplifting for the career. You may be prone to excessive fear, worry, instability, aggression or eccentric behaviour. Only bet what you can afford to lose, and dont forget to have fun while doing it. Do all you can to be true to yourself by finding yourself, becoming a more independent thinker, do not try and please others out of a false sense of loyalty, be faithful to yourself first, always, It may seem dark now, but you can come back into your light. Some financial insecurity may be part of the picture. The mind always wants to know, so if you find yourself thinking you know something for sure, know you typically only know one side. You could feel much more intuitive and psychic than heretofore possible. There can also be increased confusion concerning children at this time, and that includes your grown children (no matter how old they get, they are still your babies). January 2021 On the other hand, a family member may become ill, causing you and your relatives to work together to take care of them. Of course, the results will depend on the nature of your dreams. Take one day at a time, allow yourself to grow, past your feelings of self-doubt and any suffering your experience during this time. Of course, this is not a suitable time for ego games. Neptune Square: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Midheaven, Ascendant. Especially if it interferes with your ability to do day to day things like progress in your career, pay your bills, spend time with your close ones etc. Still, if you take care to stay grounded in reality, this can be a good time to cautiously pursue those dreams, and even a few of those fantasies. Dont be overly sceptical; just fact check, make sure any new person or an old friend who may return into your life are who they say they say they are and are really in need. Being slavish to established ideals could result in a loss of freedom and insight. These are interpretations for Neptune transits through the natal houses. You will feel pushed to use your intuition to guide yourself, and your creative imagination in your profession and to fulfill your public reputation. Your persuasive abilities can be increased by this transit. September 2011. You have read and agreed to our privacy policy, Asteroid Keywords for Astrological Interpretation, Brainstorm: Planets and Things in the 12th House Astrology, Brainstorm: Planets and Things in the 8th House Astrology, Subscribe for free & get new posts by email, Aspect Keywords for Astrological Interpretation, Planet Keywords for Astrological Interpretation, Astrology House Keywords for Astrological Interpretation, 1425 Asteroids Astrology Report + 2 Listings, Rulers of Houses in Houses Astrology eBook, Brainstorm: Neptune in the 8th House Astrology. Neptune transiting your fifth house is characterized by ideal romance accompanied by much romantic fantasy. Even if you are not normally one to give in to peer pressure, Neptunes influence here may be somewhat confusing. Another possibility is that you become demoralized and without values and look for someone who seems stronger for you to hold on to, but be careful not to become permanently dependent on this person and thus lose your freedom. This content is for Full Moon Membership and Solar Lifetime Membership members only. You may start an introspection practice, start depth- Jungian therapy or some other occult or psychological therapy or practice. No, this transit doesnt cause these people to suddenly appear. You can fall father into illusion and feelings of pessimism, unworthiness, fear and hopelessness. Please dont. But hey yano, there are a lot of valuable lessons in the mistakes we make in life. ASC DESC MC IC. Normally clear ideas are fuzzy now, and it is hard to be logical or consistent. An appreciation for ideas and thoughts that are quite other-worldly is upon you. Neptune in the 3rd house will allow you to widen your perceptions be flexible. Some may feel less confident, as their direction in life is uncertain; others may attune themselves to a stronger spiritual purpose. Hybrid solar-eclipse-20th- April-2023. Your own inner psychology and vulnerabilities are open to you now, almost as if in a waking dream. Neptune Sextile Jupiter Neptune Sextile Uranus Neptune Sextile Asc You may find yourself falling in love with someone unattainable or attached, for example; or you might attach yourself to someone who you deem needs saving. There is an inclination to evade responsibilities at work. Or it could be one of your own staff members if youre the boss who is secretly working out of jealousy to make you look bad so they can take your place. But dont worry. How long does the Moon transit the houses? What Is The Connection Between Soul And Body? It is a very subtle process and you may not realize it after a few years. Use your imagination. You could have lived a religious or spiritual life up until now and started to realise you have been missing out on material gains. Your real feelings could be obscured by some supposed spiritual or humanitarian ideal. You may find it hard to cope with everyday routine, Self-care, understanding, forgiveness, empathy will help; its ok to feel down; feeling depressed is part of life, But we must make sure it doesnt become our life, This is not to shame you or anything; I have been there, Some of you may have dreams or waking visions about your past lives or childhood, This can cause pain or suffering, worry, despair, isolation, obsessive and irrational thoughts. Neptune Transits Through Your Seventh House:No, itsNota good idea to marry someone in order to help them. Later you may feel you did the wrong thing. Ideals and dreams conflict with your need to be different and perhaps unconventional. It is loving things and money, more than people and the environment, which causes imbalances in your life and our world. The 7th house is the house of committed business or love relationships and open enemies; they can be a cloud of confusion over all forms of communications with these people at this time. You could meet someone who imparts information that you may not use during this transit. You can get into the wrong crowd who take or sell drugs sex, important for parents to watch out for warning signs during this transit. Confusion as to who or what you belong to characterizes this period. Friends, or friendship itself, may be elusive during this cycle. Reincarnation, yoga, meditation, or other occult practices or knowledge. You could join or decide to create an intellectual, philosophical, scientific, technological, social or political activist group. As Neptune crosses the Descendant then it is common for a relationship to form with a person who is needy, perceived to be needy, or whose qualities are idealised. so make sure you do all you can to stay grounded in reality. August 2015 You could deepen your commitment to your path at this time. What is the meaning of the spring equinox, What does the autumn Equinox mean in astrology? Neptune Transits Through Your Tenth House:The tenth house is your career and the goals of your life, and Neptune transiting here favors any career that requires vision and imagination. You may find that you have intuitive and psychic abilities that have never surfaced before. Neptune serves to break down illusion; typically, this occurs by drawing you falling into delusion. August 2012 Oh you poor little thing. It could be easy to make career moves now that are the result of deception, yours or somebody else's. Under the stress aspects, you may even be attracted to someone because of their problems! This means that confusion can hit your finances when Neptune is 90 degrees away in another corner of the chart, or when it is entering your8th House(180 degrees away). Neptune Opposite Saturn When Neptune transits your sixth house, the priority here is health and work. so we have to find a way out; at this time, you may want to disassociate yourself from your professional or public reputation and get more in tune with your authentic self. Watch out not to attract parasites who drain you. This is not a good period for doing business with friends because you will trust them too much. January 2023 Your work may take on some higher purpose, or you may find yourself feeling more community-oriented. May 2012 Neptune Square Mars Relationships should be interdependent and not co-dependent. Neptune Square Asc The best use of this time is to engage in deep spiritual or intellectual reflection. Even if youre going through a hard time, you will still be able to go through them with ease; listen to your intuition that will guide you on how to keep your head above water even if youre going through a storm. During this cycle, you learn to rely on your intuition. When Neptune transited your 9th House, you had a chance to study for careers requiring imagination, everything from music to math to physics. This can lead to you leaving your current home or escapist behaviours like staying out late, working late, drinking or taking drugs. This brings continuous Neptune energy to the areas of life ruled by that house. On the plus side, your sexual fantasies can get a big boost. Dont let it run away with you. A sense of unity and connection as everything merges together and works. Read it for natal placements, progressions, transits, etc. - Happiness, Psycho-Spiritual Development, Metaphysics, Love & Light, by Clayten Tylor A time when dreams, fantasies, and the urge to be free of this hard world could themselves be a fantasy that deceives and misleads you. Simply Natural! Neptune energies may make you believe its the right thing to do at this time, but ultimately the truth will come out. It also favors any occupation requiring compassion. A sense of unity and world communion. Even if you are, mostly an logical thinker, now is the time to open yourself up to the unconscious and explore whats there. Become aware with the houses, thats key! Because the lower octaves of Neptune energy can cause illusion and deception, you may form new relationships based on fake perceptions at this time. This is a time when you become more aware of past lives. But be careful as Neptune influence her can make you prone to believing in things which is not true, so you must always fact check anything you read or are told at this time. Im sure of it! Not. Researching spiritual, psychological, intellectual, religious or philosophical explanations of human relationships and how to improve them may help. Neptune Transits in Aspect to the Natal Sun:These increase the imagination and sensitivity. Neptunes movement through your eleventh house adds some color and imagination to your social life. Because Neptune can make us think in illusionary ways and distort your perceptions. Your consciousness can widen, you can have more empathy for others, and you can elevate many consciousness levels during this transit. You are at your most poet, able to put your dreams and ideals into words and communicate them through speaking and writing. Neptune transiting this house can make you confused about your career, home life, sense of authority and your general public reputation. Transits like this are one factor that get people interested in studying weird things, like astrology. The conjunction, square, and opposition tend to bring confusion. On the other hand, this could be an exceptionally blissful emotional transit in which you meet your soul mate, experience a long and unforgettable period. - Self-help, Spirituality, Numerology, Timeless Life: The 365 Day Self-improvement Plan by Clayten W. TylorIf you can visualize the perfect body the feeling will accomplish the rest! You are able to handle difficulties more easily, seeing them as part of a larger story. Instead, seek out ways to overcome any issues in your household issue, you may have to call in a mediator. It is easy for you to find the proper motivation to fulfill your ideals or make your dreams into reality. You dont always feel its presence (it usually becomes more obvious under Neptune transits, transits to the house ruler, or other planets going through the house), but it is always there, and the start can be very intense. Neptune Transits in Aspect to Natal Uranus:Nobody born before 1992 will experience the conjunction, unless they live to be over 100. Your career could take a turn toward the idealistic, or you could find yourself developing a practical sense for making your dreams a reality. It is often our beliefs that like we can never love again and that all people are misleading, that cuts us off from finding the right friends and lovers for us. This can cause disagreement or misunderstandings with your friends, passing acquaintances, co-workers, family, business or intimate sexual partner(s) at this time. You might find your ideals taking a more spiritual turn, thus involving you more in community and religious projects. If you have strong Pisces, Neptune, water sign energy in your chart, then you could attract an equal partner. Your business(s) partner can deceive you at this time, stealing finances from your company, intellectual or creative ideas, things like that, even someone who you see as trustworthy can con you during this period, Give people a chance dont become paranoid or fearful, which are the negatives of this transit. Neptune Transits in Aspect to Natal Jupiter:Jupiter is your optimism. What does out-of-bounds planets in astrology mean? Posted on September 22, 2018. Because they neglect the fact that the body needs various nutrients and vitamins to keep it healthy. November 2011 It is possible that you will go through an uncomfortable time and that your private affairs will be subject to public scandal. It can act to soften your disposition as you become more attuned to the subtleties in your environment and in everyday activities. July 2013 They can mess with your ability to react objectively to your current reality, Interfering with your conscious reasoning skills. Wait until it passes. Hard Neptune transits (conjunction, square, or opposition) can bring with them a form of disenchantment. Not to say you will lose money or material security at this time. October 2018 You may find that you have intuitive and psychic abilities that have never surfaced before. March 2013 Don't get carried away. But if your life has no life in it, if its too dull for words, maybe it is time for a change. Your intuition can become more powerful as well, but that would work best in situations in which you are not personally involved. A time when insights and ideas flow together and add up to form a larger reality. You may be more gullible than usual, prone to escapism or addiction, and Neptune transits can cause you to believe in lies vehemently. If you are a fiction writer, especially ascreenwriter, this transit can be a good thing. When Neptune transits your first house, your behavior is controlled to a great extent by the subconscious mind. However, you mustnt get lost in fantasy, take care of your responsibilities, allow each other to be independent, as well as a couple. Neptune transiting your6th Housecan also make you interested in strange, unproved healing methods. It is often painful; other times, it is by beautiful dreams and inner urges. Also, its crucial you dont mislead or manipulate others at this time. Things you never noticed before can suddenly seem to be beautiful. October 2019 February 2014 Thats where the trouble comes in. You may give in to the chaos or confusion, but know even the weirdest, most painful things we experience in life can bring happiness eventually. We don't collect your IP address. August 2022 The main problem will be yourself, because you wont be interested in reality. What Happens To Mars During Its Retrograde Transit? Because Neptune places a fog other your analytical skills. It takes time, dedication and getting back up after each fall, for our falls regressions are also a big part of us going forward. So check before you sign anything, do your research; if not, you could end up losing a substantial amount of money or all of it. Transit Neptune in the Eighth House. It is essential you check what others mean by what they say during this transit and not assume anything. In regard to health, you are more likely to get vague ailments that are difficult to diagnose. Transiting Neptune through Seventh House. As always, this depends on your situation. Your emotions may take you to some deep and dark places at this time. February 2022 June 2012 What Is Resistance In The Spiritual Path? I know we all want to love our kids and give them the best but letting them think they are right when they are wrong creates the monster we often complain about in adulthood. Be careful, also, when starting things. Schedule some time, on a regular basis, to check your finances. It is easy for you to find the proper motivation to fulfill your ideals or make your dreams into reality. October 2011 If your relationship doesnt help you grow but makes you regress, it is toxic, and you need to seek help to get out of if you feel powerless to do it alone. This will be especially true if you have badly aspected planets in your sixth house or other transits may amplify this concern. You can turn inward, withdraw your. But thats not the half of it. This leads us to a direct connection with our higher selves and spiritual helpers t who talk to us via dreams or in more subtle ways. You may be careless with your money during this long-term cycle. Use this interpretation for natal Neptune in the 8th house, transiting Neptune in the 8th house, progressed Neptune in the 8th house, or solar arc Neptune in the 8th house. It is essential to watch out for false teachers or other people trying to make you dependent on them. January 2020 overt or covert ( obvious or not so noticeable) changes in the way you communicate with yourself and others, likelihood you will research alternative scientific, technological, philosophical, religious, spiritual higher consciousness ideas, This transit is best used to uplift your consciousness and deepen your perceptions, Neptunes intuitive subtle influences can lead you to find resourceful solutions to any issues you are facing in your life. Neptune is dreams, yes, but it is also delusions. Perhaps fame and celebrity will come through mysterious circumstances. Its you. August 2021 Moon Phases in Astrology Transit and Natal, The Transit Moon In Astrology What Transits of the Moon mean. Your loyalty to certain groups or friends may be misplaced, for example. May 2015 Maybe a drug, alcohol or sex addiction that clouds your judgement. Sun in Virgo : What does it mean when your sun is in Virgo? Neptune Opposite SunThis marks a time when you could easily get carried away or even deluded with respect to your own goals and ambitions. September 2019 Because people can present themselves as something, they are not. Click the pic. It is possible that find yourself in a position of servitude. Psychological breakdowns can be triggered by Neptune transits. How Neptune affects our lives depends very much on whether we resist its influences or we try to work with the planet of illusion and spirituality. See-through your ego and know it is not the real you; use it instead to protect yourself from harm and encourage others to express themselves authentically. Well see. Neptune represents delusion, illusion, dreams, addictions, and self-sacrifice. Yet the bad feelings they cause often get bigger and bigger until they consume us. You may find yourself working in businesses related to art, music, entertainment, psychology, photography, or hospitals. It also gives the ability to recognize patterns. In the area of religion and philosophy, there will be a tendency to get attracted to weird ideas that you will believe on faith. If you start to get personally involved with any of them at this time, well thats bad news. Therefore, what you are looking for is a union where the spiritual predominates over the physical. March 2022 Usually, this will do nothing more than cause an increase in daydreams (Im a surfing instructor on a tropical island, yeah). ASTROFIX is pleased to partner with Big Sky Astrology to offer you the "Followed By a Moonshadow" eclipse report. When you have a Neptune transit, something -- or someone -- tends to slip through your fingers. The events that happen now are helping you change for the better. Try not to encourage this behavior, as tempting as it might be to do so. How you view possessions and your inner values will go through significant changes at this time. It is common for Neptunes influence to be a confusing one in the first portion of the transit. The fifth house is the house of children, romance, speculation and fun, so this can be a highly enjoyable time, but do not get carried away. But no one should get married during a Neptune-hits-Venus time. Also suitable for those who work in mental or other health-related professions. Neptune Trine Asc September 2020 This can be disappointing and fear-inducing, but you should make sure you are seeing the situation clearly. But without the ideals of Neptune, what would there be to strive for? Well, who doesnt daydream about a better job? You may attract karmic types of relationships to you if you are single, a soul mate comes with ease, youre on each others side from the get-go, and you enrich each others lives, a soul tie comes with joy and pain at the same time, This is how you tell the difference between the two, If you feel a bond with someone but also at the same time, you feel like you need to run in the other direction, It means you have past life issues to work out, So try and stay grounded, face the situation head-on, or it will repeat next lifetime, dont get lost in it, ask what this situation trying to teach me is, Keep a journal at this time, especially a dream diary, as looking back on the events that happened with giving you a lot to reflect on in the future. Childrens creative achievement can bring joy at this time; alternatively, children may experience emotional or psychological difficulties during this transit that affect your day to day life. Neptune Transits the 10th House. For instance, if you were born with Uranus in the5th House, a square or opposition from transiting Neptune could increase the desire to gamble. You could get carried away and lose sight of the practical, day-to-day realities in your quest for religious, philosophical, and mystical understanding. You may have the sensation of being awake within your own dream, and reality may be like you dreamed it could be. Nothing mystical here. This transit can cause huge drops in wealth and, therefore, stability. All you will want to do is look at the pretty colors. It is not so good for when your driving, operating machinery etc.. Do not gamble more than you can afford, especially in stock market investments. April 2018 For instance, if Sagittarius is on the cusp (beginning) of the11th House(friends, hopes, and wishes) you will tend to attract people who are either idealistic, spaced-out, or con artists. The lower astral realms are notorious for giving people misleading information. An out of body or some other experience may change this view, and it can be frightening at first. The quickest way to evolve your consciousness is to let your small inner voice guide you.

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