andromedan starseed birth chart


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andromedan starseed birth chart

according to the signs that you told, I am 100% Andrommedan starseed. Arcturians have a . Thank you for this post and will definitely start to meditate to the ocean sounds. I just learned about them 5 min ago. Can you imagine? Thank you for writing this article Julia. . I know I came for Mother Earth as I care for her deeply . I just recently had a soul reading telling that Im or should be a andromeda starseed. At that time, i didnt know the meaning of nomad. I just had an Akashic reading today and she told me I was from Andromeda. Iturned my head slightly and I saw very fine wings! But can we be some kind of hybrid? Like I was a friend. But I was also given the name Andronela from Andromeda. There are more in depth charts too that give you this chart along with a breakdown of what each planetary placement at the time of your birth means for you. Thank you. Im disgusted by this site around us the human race acts of negativity Ive literally had to lower myself just to survive many time thru my years. So thank you for sharing, first page I have come across since the ten mins ago receiving andromedas (I actually dont know anything about), and it really resonating . Before my awakening started i felt like i didnt belong here. I think im andromedian to. I am a nurse and love helping people, love all animals and nature. My loved ones called ambulances cops on me too many times to count. even something as simple as a teacher and student. Awesome to meet another Andromedan Starseed! I healed without blood transfusion from meningitis. My life changed when I found out I was an Andromedan starseed. Van life in Europe sounds amazing, every Andromedans dream . And i know it. I recently found out that I am from Andromeda and was looking for information to find out as much as possible. Her true name was revealed to her and I wrote it down. I thought my dad was the devil. Andromedans are an incredibly loving, gentle, and telepathic race originating from the spiral-shaped galaxy of Andromeda, sometimes known as M31. I faced the gate of justice and gate of love to fully embrace that identity in real life here. I felt so responsible to help my grandmother who by this in the last moments of her life. Most people around you seem brainwashed by the media and blind to what is actually happening on the planet. Thank you so much, Julia. On 6-6-06 I had what doctors say was a psychotic break and believed I had died and gone to hell.. Ive been having relationship issues. Also the other things I was taken towards was ancient technology and shown how it works etc. Has made the people so awful. Sending you lots of love and blessings , Hi. It's said that about 1 in every 10,000 people is an Andromedan Starseed, making them much more common than the other races. I love learning about this stuff. Ive known I was an Andromedan starseed for a very long time but whenever I feel discouraged or lost I go back and look at all the signs that I am this eternal spiritual and its just amazing. at the time of your birth. Why dont I just go in there myself and take care of it? So I did. I always feel like though Im living my life just like a normal human, there are times that I would feel like I am different, like I was born somewhere outside the earth. 3 nights ago while I was falling asleep the name Andromeda kept coming to me, and I thought ok I will look into that in the morning, I forgot, next night same thina and in morning I forgot again. Yes, that would be rare, indeed, but how is it even possible?? But was able to thru my yrs of being around her . how does one not have empathy or remorse when dumping oil into an innocent ocean?! Fell in love with snorkelling, being underwater feels like home. Thank you for this article! Wish I did. I know now Im an Andromedian Starseed. Sending you lots of love and blessings . You have helped many people confirm their true origins <3, Thank you! I had a dream yesterday, I met aliens in my dream, and they mentioned andromeda. I am tall, thin and unusual long lims. Andromedans; Arcturians; . Ive always been quite the loner however; have put on a smiley face and greeted others to make them feel good. Have a beautiful day! I believe I am an Adromaden. My whole existence I have walked alone abuse mental and physical until 8 months ago. Hello, Im on the process of awakening and its very hard Im lost and dont know what to do with my life. ???????????? About Andromedan Starseeds. I had no idea what all that was, but after I read this article, it made more sense. Actually just quit my dayjob to start my own business as a coach and Reiki healer. I didnt deserve to be there. I would love to hear in the comments! I am now during a major change in my life and stepping into my mission and what I came here to do and so it was incredibly helpful to have this confirmation. Never feeling like everyone claimed. This is a very rare but good thing, and very much needed today. This has actually been the reason for me not waking up earlier, even so I have seen 11:11 and other synchronicities throughout my whole life. Unfortunately I have been struggling a lot with the low vibrations from Earth and due to anxiety disorder and depression I have been suffering a lot during my life time. Yes I know I am from Andromeda galaxy because a few years ago even before hearing the galaxy nameI channeled for my friend and I. I have always been different but never knew why. Im home sick and I miss my tribe. You dont have to go around bragging to everyone that you are a starseed, but just have that inner knowing and confidenct that you are special, talented and have an important mission on Earth.. So happy to know others with all the same attributes. The Mirrorsthe glassthe mercurythe shiftingthe materializing . And im grateful and I accept this, fully. (Black sheep of the family, never felt like I belonged in my family) But Im still not sure maybe someday I will be, still new at this. I was just afraid of being wrong but a lot of the things you mentioned resonated deeply (got a lot of tingles go through my body). Happy to hear the article resonated with you . Got chained up thrown in a cop car and charged with a felony and told I might have to serve 14 years! Hi Katie! Please keep in mind this is not an exhaustive list. Hi Ro! Kiakaha, I feel you honeyuhhhhggg. Your article RESONATES. My father always told me I not only danced to a different drummer, I danced to a completely different band. These are called the Star Markings. Awesome to meet another Twin flame andromedan starseed . I ended up believing I was a blue avian, but reading this really confirms I come from Andromeda. Do the van life and trying to break free everyday. I want to create safe zones where people can live free from the reptilians. Planets at 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 or 29 degrees are an indicator of Pleiadian starseeds. Im a bit overwhelmed but mostly with joy and gratitude. And then, are you saying that the human race doesnt really exist and were all aliens that got born here? This is all new so new, and I am getting all of these downloads Its mind-blowing. I Just meditated, channeled, and asked where Im from and Andromeda came to be as clear as day.. Amo lEgitto, i cristalli , la musica e larte Sto lavorando sulla mia autostima, con meditazione e radicamento, e grazie al tuo articolo so che siamo davvero tanti su Madre Gaia . . The degrees of 0 or 1 are the Starseeds Polarian or Procyon. Im learning to protect my energy. In comparison, there are MILLIONS of pleiadian starseeds incarnated on Earth right now. Hi I just had a reading and found out I am from Andromedan and Sirius star systems And your explanation describes me exactly.. Youre most likely not talking about twin souls and instead reading scientific journals. I am new to this world of starseeds, I know I am one, and I made my birth chart and I have the main ones, but how do I know which one I really am? Now on a spiritual path, wondering what future will bringthank you for the insight. Hi Julia, Jacqueline Pergolizzi, Grazie per larticolo bellissimo! When reading this I just felt that every point was talking about me. I too am just coming out of the Dark Night of the Soulblessings Sister. I want to help humankind so I became one of the 1st women mechanical engineers. Hej Henrik! I do believe that I am an Amdromedan star seed that has come here to save the planet from frequencies that initiate sadness and despair. I am Andromedan, even I dreamed of a being which was bold, with bright face, and blue uniform. I hate authoritythis IS my pet peeve since childhoodI was branded a black sheep, the family rebel, even anti-social, the latter which is quite unfair IMO. Sending you lots of love and blessings . Mother Gaia needed help and a call was sent out. Recently Ive been consumed with the urge to research my spiritual ancestry and coming across this article has been massive help. Love and light to you all ! Happy to meet a fellow Swedish Andromedan Thanks for sharing your story. I also felt starseed energy as well. You can find out your starseed origin if you order a birthchart reading on StarseedUnited on Etsy. One thing that got me from this list or another list is made me realize Im andromeda (I think its called Andromedean). Thankyou and blessings to you. Philippines. I have connected telepathically with my galactic family and I couldnt be happier! First time I heard about Andromeda was from Star Trek. Let me know afterwards how it went! Andromedan beings are freedom seekers; they will always change jobs, homes, and relationships to find their freedom. They value freedom and nurture an excellent distaste for manipulation, hence their disdain for imposed routines. My experiences as a child told me that I was destined for more, a mission I must complete, on earth.. It explained so much about why Ive always felt different from people around me. My grandfather told me that I would become what I was meant to be in my my later years. What I have been experiencing during my awakening would otherwize have me question my sanity and I would be to scared to move on. Sending you lots of love and blessings , Hi, my name is Richie Perez Reyes from Cebu City. Hello fellow Andromedan your explanation rings true. Our planet is going through a transition period now, from a third dimensional planet to fifth dimensional. Thank you for writing such a beautiful article. Thank you in advance for sharing all this information. And thats actually why you came in. Hi, Im just wondering can a normal psychic find out if youre a star seed? I've always felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. I thought everyone felt the same. Just like Pleiadian starseeds, you may be struggling with self-worth issues. I just didnt know why. The Andromedans believe starseeds and their work is very important, because what happens on Earth impacts other galaxies. Youre welcome, Libby. I never understood why, I always was told my instincts and intuition were above normal and my senses were heightened I never want bad for people even the ones that did harm to me I can handle myself but would only inflict harm as a last resort I have been more calm as of late and my anger and frustration seems to be lessened lately and after reading this I understand why Im bound to the old ways and like and feel what I do why I need the sun and to be in the open thank you I do believe finally I know why I am here and what I really am and am profoundly grateful for this article I loved that part. All that makes sense now. Can be remote? I am here on a mission to help heal the world, which Ive known for years. . Thanks for posting it. new star seed seekers? Someone who does healings told me I am one. In prison! Reading this felt like I was the author. Respectfully yours, She held my face to a stove when I was 6 mths old very long story but that abuse along with much more from a.variety of other humans. Thank you so much for sharing this great info to help me learn more about myself! I was feeling like I needed to get into the Akashic records to release some karma after my karmic soul mate relationship finished its course. Even though, one lady told me I was an Arcturian starseed, but I never strongly connected to that one. Taking away my freedom has challenged me to my core. I often wondered why are they asking me questions or looking for answers. Thank you ???????? I try to help in it. If your goin thru hell.keep on goin. Do Andromedans also appear as golden-shining entities? To See thru my eyes, Im a tarot reader but mostly Intuitive read the cards are there to clarify to them visually what I say. After that I was guided to your page and it makes so much sense now everything. Andromedan Starseeds are originally from the Andromeda galaxy, a spiral galaxy roughly 2.5 million light-years from Earth. The degrees of 0-10 in any sign can indicate the Starseeds Orion or Mintakan. Andromedans make up the largest proportion of Starseeds on Earth. My awakening has been gradual, so no crying ah hah moment, just confirming what I have always known. WOW. Sending you lots of love and blessings . Youre welcome. im having my starseed awakening and i feel mad and so much traumas in me and i knew that something was going on my whole life and why i got through that shif but like im having hard time my country sucks everybody here also theyre so low even my mom is a starseed and the doctors said she is schizophrenic and i thought i was like here when i first start changing before i knew suddenly and idk how but something made me watch a video and everything starts changing and a bird came to my house and visited me and all my psychics starts to come out im 20 years old and my dad died at 9 years old i was raised like shit in an indoorm school which i used to cry alot and used to crave for freedom just like now and even when i was with the best people in my life i still can feel their shitty emotions cz im also a heyoka empath i know im extremely gifted but what can i do with my gifts when everybody is oppositely gifted ??????????? The state hospital after pleading NGRI. I have a very scientific and questioning mind, constantly seeking knowledge. Someone told me I should be an Andromedan due to all the signs she was seeing in me and hence why I searched for it. This is not true for all Andromedan starseeds, but for many. Or do you have to go to a certain kind? My wonderful aunt has had her the whole time and I have a great relationship with her. I left home 25 yrs old pregnant to a state I knew noone . I always have this goal to help anyone in my own little way without asking something in return. Is there anywhere to learn more about this? Even as a young child I was interested in space and was having philosophical discussions with friends about the origin of the universe. I still dont have anyone that helps me to understand other then the internet . Either youre + or -, not both. After reading this I think my experience might have been right. Before we jump into the signs, here is my starseed story, and how I found out my soul origin is in Andromeda: Andromedans are Beings of Light who are dedicated to bringing new technologies and holistic forms of healing to the whole Universe. Galaxies are of different ages and Andromeda is one of the oldest. Ive always understood the + or after the ABO type to indicate the Rh factor, either + or -. Just a place where I can be connected with nature and vibe out with other earthlings and starseeds. Starseed Direct TV Digital Tarot Reading Birth Chart Calculator Birth Chart Compatibility Current Moon Phase Current Planetary Placements Play Starseed Word Search Starseed Virtual Puzzle Shop Cart Checkout Home About Avatar 3D Creator Birth Chart Calculator Birth Chart Compatibility Cart Checkout Current Moon Phase Current Planetary Placements Here's a list of the commonly known ones. You inspired me to be me (Andromeda) and alow others to see it. I have met so many people during my awakening that has been leading me where I am now, and I am sure many of these are beings I met before incarnating on Earth and we have all this mission of having more and more people waking up on earth. thank you soooo much it helped me so much as I just discovered my star origin, Can you be more than one star seed? I felt the shift and could imagine the energy as it became something else? When I read this I started crying for some reason.. It feels right. They also have a strong mind-body connection which allows them to heal themselves. The funny thing is, when I was with my husband, I was very depressed for a time because of abuse. They also strive to assist other star-nations to live in pease and unity. Are these races (?) It all is making more sense now. I have recently been receiving a lot of mental information and this morning, during meditation, I had contact with my Andromedan family.. Check out my other starseed posts below to find out what resonates the most. Are reptilians human incarnate The reason why you feel drawn to these places is because you might have previous lives in these civilizations. I cant compromise, leaving one for another, like freedom for security. It is important to not be alarmed by these frequencies that initiate contact with you as they adding love light energies to the planet in order to balance out the frequencies of the planet. i think i reincarnated into later in time to see what its like, and i hate it. It could be that you have incarnated in many different star systems. Im tired of this planet" even as a child. Soooooo many of us waking up to our truths!!! Im so ready to explore more about my purpose and do good in the wirld. Andromedans exceed in many areas, but especially in science and as healers of the body. so i searched the web and here i came to your blog. I have always felt different and also wanted to be different since I was a young child. Do you think you are an Andromedan starseed? As a child I always went down to the sea in my hard times to seek comfort. Thats not possible. Thank you for this fabulous information. In the past few months Ive gone through times that I regret reincarnating on earth again, because its just not normal to me, but I know I decided to come here to help change the world. Because of this, maybe I am tapping in to my spiritual gifts? I really had no idea what they mentioned and I was very curious why they showed up to me. mom died when I was 13. Until we meet again! A place free of labels and judgement. I still dont know much abt starseeds but the fact that Im feeling overwhelmed signifies there is a resonance and a remembrance. it is frustrating and I am glad you mentioned this .. all I want to do is travel And be free so I have unconsciously started more astral travels in my dreams . Honestly what else would an Andromedan do with their life, right? His name was Zanfar, he also brought a female (I forget her name) and she was very curious about me. I know I am an Andromedan. When i was on my 21 years of age, i made a scholar trip, after some days with the group i leave them and ended up on Paris alone 2 days and 3 nights, that was my awakening, i felt on a different reality, i was protected (i feel that), but very confused, during that time i was in comunication with voices that i can listen in my head, but one thing very important, that i no longer forgot, was, they told me, we and you are nomads, we travel the space. in a hyerarchy in that other realm you spoke of? It is actually speculated that the winged humans in Sumeria, depicted in reliefs and statues, were Andromedans. For example, my twin flame has his body covered in tattoos. Your article sums me up 100% . I have always been drawn to space and seen many UFOs throughout my life, the last ones just a couple of weeks ago. These starseeds have strong Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn placements in their birth chart. 100% to the T this article described me, really interesting read. And to be honest I had suspected before reading this that I was from Andromeda and the biggest of the confirmations was how you described it as a planet mostly covered in water Just the way I saw it when I first started remembering!!! And he said you dont need shoes where were goin. When I was going through a strong awakening, I was asked: even if I am a fully powerful soul and my dreams of telekinesis is true, if everything is my choice, and i have the power to hurt others including reptilians, what will i do? Like Reptilians, do they really rule the world and do they know their purposes? ,24 yrs later Im figuring out who I am Im still confused but I get download when I go searching . Andromedan Starseed Symbols. Zanfar revealed to me that their hybrid race from another planet is on Earth already. But I know everything will be okay. I am retired now and lately discovered my artistic side, wrote a book , musician for quite some time, painting and drawing. ???? Dear Julia and thank you so much for this article and for the work you do. How to find your starseed markings Have always hated authority, needed freedom. Andromedan starseeds come from the Andromeda galaxy. I knew I was a Starseed, just didnt from where exactly This explains a lot! I resonate with every single one of these and looking back on my childhood etc things make so so much more sense now e.g I struggled with self love and now Im a confident woman stepping into my power! I turned to get my shoes. When I realized they werent my family. This being said, there is no sure fire way of looking at somebody and knowing that they are an Andromedan starseed. I originally was searching for answers as to why I am intensely receiving energy from others. i also want to become a scientist. Thank you Everything is more clear now. By those things do you have any idea who i am? OMG, I am crying right now. I got pregnant. I could relate a bit more with your description of Andromedan starseed. Now I communicate and meet with my Andromedan family that visit me at home every now and againIts pretty out there! I would love for you to have the same aha moment, thats why I wrote this article. It is time I had confirmation from my Andromedan family this morning, my path is true, all of us in human form are a kind of experiment, to see if we can change the course of Humanity for the better.. We have the power, through Love, Compassion, Justice, Respectfulness, Kindness I have been very suppressed as a human being through experiencing trauma from other humans in my life. Love n light, Magical, thanks for sharing! When I have completed my purpose I will enjoy life for its beauties and leave for home, for I have no interest living until I die naturally. I sure would like to know more about this and myself. I just learned that I am a Starseed and Andromeda was once my home. I knew it. About having little ego, I was told this by a Chinese astrologer. Souls from all over the Universe signed up, by incarnating on Earth in a human body to help humanity through this transition. I have never felt like I fit in on this earth, I have been through so much and I keep going stronger than most, Im so wise for my age. Most relates to me as wel but Im not thin or thick just inbetween both, this is the only thing Im worrying about. If you have ever felt out of place here on Earth, or wondered why you feel a longing for a time or place that you cannot remember but feel in your soul, you are most likely a starseed. It is therefore a good habit for Andromedan starseeds to listen to the sounds of nature and dolphins, meditate with ocean sounds and visit the beach and nature to revive your energy. I have just seen this post, thank you so much, it completely resonates with me and every part of it applies, I have no idea what starseed I am, but have been and still lost to my purpose, my best and most incredibly peaceful meditation was when I was in a space ship, completely loved and at peace, I dont feel that anywhere else and feel completely misunderstood, I feel I need guidance and direction but also feel I should be getting this from myself but dont seem to be making any headway, I must be in some way though as I seem to have been guided here, dont know if I am Andromedan but would love to know what starseed I am, Hi Janet!

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